Dermopigmentation 3D Areola/Nipple Complex
I help you feel good again.
From oncological to aesthetic reasons, there are many reasons why women decide to treat areola pigmentation. However, for patients who have undergone antitumor therapy, the PhiAreola treatment acquires greater value. For them, areola dermopigmentation is not only a cosmetic treatment, but is one of the last steps in the healing process and has great psychological significance in feeling well again.

Innovative PhiAreola Technique
More and more surgeons and oncologists are recommending the PhiAreola permanent makeup method instead of nipple reconstruction after surgery. The reason for this is that permanent makeup is less invasive than the reconstruction process and the overall treatment is less stressful for patients in recovery.
PhiAreola is a technique of drawing the areola together with the nipple using a combination of contrasting shadows and lights to achieve a 3D effect and make the areola around the nipple look more natural. The goal of the PhiAreola treatment is to adapt to the new shape, size, texture, color and position on the breast.

Stefano Turco
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