Dermopigmentation Vitiligo

The Color that Imitates Color.

Vitiligo is a chronic, non-congenital skin disease characterized by hypomelanosis or leukoderma, that is, the appearance on the skin, hair or mucous membranes, of non-pigmented patches, that is, areas where the physiological coloration due to melanin is missing, and which appear white or translucent.

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The Masking is Absolutely Total.

Much more complex, however, can be the psychological implications of those affected by vitiligo, due to the sense of isolation and depression that sometimes follows the appearance of the spots. This is even more true when the person affected by vitiligo feels different from others or even rejected, observed for the aesthetic problem that the spots generate.

Through dermopigmentation, the areas affected by vitiligo are covered by coloring them with a pigment identical to the color of your skin is a 100% effective treatment as the masking can be absolutely total.

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Lips Vitiligo (Before/After)

Swipe the arrows left and right to see the result after dermopigmentation of the upper lip.